A modular digital informed shared decision-making consent solution

The EIDO Consent Suite is a modular digital informed shared decision-making consent solution that brings together expert content, systems and processes to manage and obtain informed consent from patients.

Consent solutions and content can be licenced by healthcare technology providers to enhance their own applications, systems and clinical outcomes. To find how EIDO’s Consent Suite content and solutions can be integrated with your systems, contact us. We are always open to discussions around collaborative opportunities.

Why integrate the EIDO Consent Suite?

EIDO has over 20 years of expertise in informed consent. Collaborating with us delivers technology partners a range of benefits including:

  • Reduced development and deployment time for projects
  • Clinical customer confidence because they already know and trust EIDO content and solutions across a range of specialties
  • Access to in-depth knowledge and wide-ranging experience from the EIDO development team to support new application development
  • Regular updates ensuring procedural information is always compliant with the latest medico-legal legislation around informed consent
  • A global network of users and integrators