Informed Consent – do we get it?

It has now been three years since the Supreme Court passed down its landmark ruling in the Montgomery v Lanarkshire case. The question for clinicians when considering consent continues to be: do we get it? Yes, the question has an amusing double meaning, but the reality is far more serious. Do we understand what is needed now from the consent process and,…

Education grants For 2017 Patient First Conference

Patient First is the national healthcare event for UK healthcare and patient safety professionals,  created to support Professor Don Berwick’s call for a learning culture and providing two days of compelling content for boards, doctors, nurses, managers, pharmacists and all those concerned about delivering improved safety outcomes to patients and service users. In it’s fourth…

Plain English Campaign awards lifetime membership to EIDO Healthcare

EIDO has recently been made a lifetime member of the Plain English Campaign, after more than fifteen years producing quality information for consent, making it one of only 7 healthcare organisations which have been  awarded this honour. From the very beginning, the success of EIDO’s patient information documents has rested on the clarity of their…

EIDO Healthcare launches Annual Consent Review at ASGBI

Cementing its place as an industry leader in informed consent, EIDO Healthcare has this year launched its inaugural Annual Consent Review at the ASGBI Surgical Congress in Glasgow. EIDO Healthcare EIDO Healthcare has been providing patient information documents to support consent for nearly 2 decades through its flagship product, EIDO Inform. Approximately half of NHS…

EIDO Healthcare prepares for 20th year with brand refresh

Since it started in 1999 with a small set of documents created in Microsoft Word, EIDO Healthcare has come a long way. The goal of EIDO Healthcare has been, and continues to be, to provide surgeons and healthcare professionals with the tools they require to obtain informed consent from patients. It now boasts a library…

EIDO Healthcare accredited by The Information Standard (NHS)

Patients that are about to consent to a surgery or treatment path need to understand the proposed treatment and be informed about the risks, benefits and alternatives of the surgery or treatment. Only then can they make an informed decision. The information they are given needs to be clear, accurate, evidence-based and up to date.…